20 Orange Hair color shades perfect for fall

With the changing of seasons comes a change in fashion, clothing color, and makeup shades.
What better way to show off your fashion sense than to choose an awesome hair color that compliments your outfit?
Orange is an awesome hair color for fall or winter because it’s bright and unusual without being too much for people who aren’t used to wearing crazy hair colors.
It’s also a nice color that can be worn all year round, unless your hair just doesn’t allow it .
Experimenting with orange highlights, tips, protective styles, and wigs allows you to sample an orange hue without committing fully.
If you don’t like it after all, you can just bleach it out.
1. Orange Ombré hair
Whether it’s a trendy-looking mani or a more masculine style, you should be able to find something that works for your personality.
If you’re a bold type of person, consider wearing an ombre dye job in orange. A simple ombre dye job with a very subtle transition from dark brown to bright orange is beautiful and chic without being too flashy.

2. Dark Rooted Orange Hair
Dark hair is lovely with orange hair; however, it’s important to remember that the color will look brighter when applied to darker locks.
Subtlety is very key in this case.
Go for a more muted and dark shade of orange in order to make the colors blend together in an aesthetically pleasing way .

3. Ginger Spice
Light red hair is a not as popular as other shades, but you can still find it in your local salon.
If you’re looking for an edgy color that will make people look twice when they see you walking down the street,
go for ginger spice!
This hue almost resembles orange with some red undertones, which makes it spicy and exciting.
It has an exotic flavor that is sure to get people talking.

4. Neon Orange
Neon orange is a more unnatural shade that people tend to shy away from. If you’re someone who’s into really bright colors,
then neon orange might just be the color for you!
Neon shades aren’t as harsh as other types of dye jobs because the pigment is mixed with white and clear hair dye in order to create a pale tint.

5. Amber Highlights
If you already have dark or black hair, consider adding some amber highlights.
This color is the perfect shade of orange because it blends in nicely with any hair color.
Dark roots and lighter tips are very “in” at the moment; however, they’re hard to maintain on natural hair.
Wearing wigs allows women with naturally dark hair to wear varying shades of colored tips and highlights without bleaching and damaging their locks.

6. Fire Red Orange
Fire red orange is the perfect addition to any fall fashion wardrobe.
There are tons of different ways to wear this color,
whether you choose an ombre hair style or a simple deep shade with bright tips.
The “fire” in this color comes from the blend of reds and oranges in order to create something that looks like flames when it catches in the sunlight.
It’s a unique shade that is bound to get you tons of compliments .

7. Ginger Orange
Ginger orange is one of the more popular hair dye colors that is currently in style.
You can see this shade all over Instagram and Pinterest,
which means it’s likely to be a hit among your social media followers as well! This color looks like it has some red undertones,
but still manages to stand out as its own separate entity on the color spectrum.

8. Red with Orange Highlights
If you’re looking for a fall style that isn’t too out there, then try red with orange highlights.
Red is an amazing hair color that looks good on just about anyone,
but these warm orange undertones are sure to turn heads.
The important thing to remember when wearing this hue is not to go overboard with the deep shades of orange.
That shouldn’t be too hard, because it would just look weird.

9. Burnt Orange
Burnt orange is the same color as ginger orange, but it’s much darker.
It’s meant for people with dark hair who want to play around with the idea of adding colored tips to their mane without committing fully.
If you don’t like it after all, you can just bleach it out.

10. Bright Orange
This color is almost neon; however, it has more of a subtlety to it than the other shades on this list. For example,
if you have light blonde hair, then bright orange would make your locks look like fire! It’s definitely one of the more trendy colors right now,
so try not to wear it too often or people will get sick of seeing it.

11. Copper Gold
Copper gold is a warm shade of orange that will complement cool undertones in your skin. If you have a rose complexion,
then this might be the color for you.
It’ll be perfect for giving you a nice fall glow when the leaves start to change colors .

12. Red with Orange Fringe
This color is perfect for anyone who wants to go lighter without committing to a full blonde dye job.
The red mixed with orange looks stunning, especially when it catches the light.
It’s definitely one of the better hair colors for fall because it’s not too radical, but still makes a statement.

13. Yellow Orange with Red Highlights
This color is definitely for people who are ready to have some fun with their appearance.
It’s vibrant and it stands out, which means you’ll be the center of attention when you wear this shade.
It’s enough to make anyone feel sexy when they look in the mirror.

14. Red-Orange Ombré
Red-orange ombre is a great way to add some flair to your wardrobe while still keeping things understated.
It’s been featured in dozens of magazines and other outlets, which means it’s likely to become the next big thing.
So think before you red!

15. Marmalade Orange
Marmalade orange is a popular hair dye color that’s been around for ages now. Nothing screams fall like the sweet and savory smell of marmalade,
and that’s why this shade caught on with so many people.
And if you’re worried about someone mistaking your locks for fruit-flavored breakfast treats, then just keep it under a hat or in your bun.

16. Carrot Gold
Carrot gold is a bright orange shade that’s complimented perfectly by the addition of yellow.
It’s almost like you can see all of the nutrients in your hair,
and it’ll definitely make everyone want to eat healthy!

17. Pumpkin Pie Color Melt
Pumpkin pie color melt is a mix of red, orange and yellow.
This creates a beautiful shade of autumn leaves that would look amazing in the fall sunlight.
It’s not too dark, but it’s also not quite a blonde either.

18. Burnt Orange and Red
Burnt orange and red is an interesting way to add some spice to your look.
It’s different, but not too crazy if you need an alternative to highly saturated colors.
You could also do burnt orange with red tips or all over the head.

19. Sherbet Hair Bright Orange
Dimensional orange is a mix of red, yellow and brown. It’s subtle, but it looks amazing with dark hair.
It’s the perfect color for those who have black hair because it’ll be impossible to see unless you’re in direct sunlight.
That means all of your friends will have to come up and ask if you dyed your hair Orange.

20. Marigold Hair
Marigold hair is a bright orange color with blonde highlights.
The combination of blonde and orange makes the look pop,
so it looks great from far away. If you have brown eyes, then this’ll make them stand out even more!

What is the best way to lighten my hair before putting in orange color?
It’s important to think about what kind of shade you want and how you’ll be wearing your hair. This will determine whether or not bleaching is a good idea.
If you plan on wearing it up all the time, then dyeing over dark hair might be fine. But if you want to wear it down.
then bleaching is the best option so that your locks can catch all of the wonderful fall sunlight.
Which hair dye color will complement my fair skin tone?
There are so many amazing shades of yellow, orange and red out there.
Just test out a few colors to see which ones compliment you the best. If you don’t want to commit to one specific color,
then look for mixes like blonde with red tips or blonde ombre with orange tips. And if none of those work, then choose the shade that makes your skin look stunning!
Is there any shampoo I should buy to help keep my hair color looking fresh?
You might also want to look for a good dry shampoo to get rid of the excess oil that builds up on your scalp.
It’s generally recommended that you wash it every other day, but if this is too much then you can use dry shampoo on days that you don’t wash your hair.
It’ll soak up that oil and make it look like you just washed your locks!
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